February 7, 2022

eStar updates and changes, Feb. 8, 2022

New discharge dependent question for MRIs

As of Feb. 2, a new discharge-dependent question will display when ordering MRIs for inpatients. This change will affect VUAH and VCH inpatient clinicians.

Clinicians will now see “Is discharge of patient expected in the next 24 hours?” This question will help performing technologists and reading radiologists prioritize exam worklists.

This change will not apply to workflows in community hospitals.

Adding Type and Screen Column to Patient List

As of Feb. 2, providers and nurses may add the Type and Screen Column to Patient List. This column will improve awareness of the patient’s Type and Screen status.

The new Type and Screen column may be added by updating the My List properties. The column will provide clinicians with the ability to see if the patient’s Type and Screen are Current, Expiring, or Not Available.

Discharge Care Center (DCC) eConsult order

Beginning in February, Patient Flow Nurses may refer patients to DCC for additional post-discharge support using eConsult Order. This will assist in reducing unplanned readmissions.

This change will impact VUAH patients discharged to Home, Home Health, or AMA and excludes Transplant, VAD, and Women’s OB. Patient Flow Nurse will also determine those who have a high likelihood of readmission.

No action is required. If DCC eConsult Order is in patient’s chart, DCC will follow-up with patient within 72 hours of discharge to provide additional post-discharge support as needed.

In Basket Encounter button functionality

As of Feb. 2, the Encounter button within the cosign notes folder will directly lead users to an Encounter without opening an Encounter Note. This will eliminate an additional step when opening an Encounter Note.

Users may still open notes to attest in an Encounter by selecting “Attest” then “Attest in Encounter” button.

In Basket sidebar displays room information

As of Feb. 2, room information for patients admitted or roomed at VUMC will display in the In Basket sidebar. This change will allow all In Basket users to easily view patient room information.