May 27, 2022

P.R.I.D.E. Employee Resource Group supports Thursday “Wear Your Pride” days in June

VUMC employees will have an opportunity to show their support for the LGTBQ+ community during Pride Month with the colors of their work clothes.

The P.R.I.D.E. Employee Resource Group at VUMC announced that Wear Your Pride will be held every Thursday throughout June.

LGBTQ+ members and allies at VUMC on Wear Your Pride days are encouraged to wear to work an item of clothing that is the color from a Pride flag they identify with. There are dozens of Pride flags associated with specific groups within the LGBTQ+ community as well as LGBTQ+ ally flag.

Individuals are encouraged to research to find the Pride flag that best represents them and then wear a color from that flag each Thursday. Clothing items for Wear Your Pride should also adhere to VUMC dress code.

The P.R.I.D.E ERG is open to all VUMC employees and celebrates the vibrant community of LGBTQ+ employees at VUMC. In addition, the group champion VUMC’s Strategic Directions of “Making Diversity and Inclusion Intentional” by creating a more inclusive workplace through education, communication, and mentorship.

For more information on the group, or about other events during June, click here.