July 1, 2022

eStar updates and changes, July 5, 2022

Vascular Transcranial Doppler (TCD) orders

As of July 1, new orderables for Vascular TCD studies have been added to eStar. This will impact all users who order Vascular TCD studies: cardiology, vascular, and neurology.

Vascular TCD modalities will be integrated with Sectra and eStar. Cupid Compact Forms will be used for resulting studies and new orderables have been created for this integration.

Users may utilize the following orders for Vascular Transcranial Doppler Studies:

  • VAS145 Vascular Transcranial Doppler Complete
  • VAS146 Vascular Transcranial Doppler Limited


Improve congruence between discharge summaries and printed After Visit Summary (AVS)

To eliminate discrepancies between discharge summaries and printed AVS, all inpatient providers are encouraged to refresh discharge summaries prior to signing.

Discharge summaries may present conflicting data with AVS resulting in confusion for care providers and potential patient safety concerns. Medication lists should be refreshed prior to finalizing discharge summaries.


Critical alerts acknowledgments now available for observation patients and outpatients

Beginning July 6, instead of number paging providers, critical alerts regarding observation patients and outpatients will now be sent via Mobile Heartbeat, eStar, or the Alerts Mobile app to ordering providers.

This will allow care team providers to easily acknowledge observation patient and outpatient critical alerts via Mobile Heartbeat, in the patient’s chart in eStar, or via the Alerts Mobile app. Alerts & Notifications system will send critical alerts to outpatient ordering providers between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and alert ordering clinic’s on-call providers outside those hours.


Keep MHAV messages within In Basket folder after replying to patient

Beginning July 6, MHAV messages may remain in the folder after replying to a patient. This will allow In Basket users to easily reference past MHAV messages.

Users may deselect “Mark message as done,” to keep a message in the folder after replying to a patient. When a message remains in the folder, users will be able to take additional action on a message.