September 6, 2022

Application owners: What you need to know as eLDAP authentication retires 

To prevent a cybersecurity incident and to protect our organization, Vanderbilt Enterprise Cybersecurity (VEC) is decommissioning soon to be retired authentication service known as eLDAP (Enterprise Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). Over the past several months, the team has been collaborating with VUMC application owners to prepare for cutoff of these services on September 12. 

Why we are doing it: 

With no further security patches available after September 12, this service becomes a risk to the organization. 

What you need to do: 

  1. If you haven’t already, sunset your application’s dependency on eLDAP by Sept. 12, 2022, to avoid a service disruption 
  2. Review the related Pegasus Change  
  3. If you have questions email the team at