October 4, 2022

Annual Levi Watkins Lecture to be Oct.18

The annual Levi Watkins, Jr. MD Lecture will be held at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 18, in 202 Light Hall.

The recipients of this year’s Levi Watkins, Jr. MD Awards will also serve as the speakers for the event. The awardees will present how they have contributed to inclusive excellence within the VUMC community.

The award winners/speakers are: Marques Bradshaw, MD, associate professor of Clinical Radiology and Radiological Sciences and vice chair of Diversity Affairs, Department of Radiology; the Founders of the House Staff Diversity & Inclusion Alliance (HSDIA); and the committee for the naming of Vivien Thomas Way.

Lunch will be provided for those who register at: https://redcap.link/leviwatkins_lunchsignup

Live streaming available at: https://tinyurl.com/leviwatkinslecture