October 18, 2022

Safety reminder: Help eliminate unauthorized access to buildings

Help promote the safety of patients, their family members and VUMC colleagues by eliminating a practice called “tailgating.” Tailgating is when a non-authorized individual follows someone who is authorized into a restricted area of a building by following closely behind to enter before a door can close and lock. In other instances, an employee may mistakenly assume the person they are allowing in has authorized access.

Follow these steps to help keep our facilities secure:

  • Do not let people tailgate through doors
  • Do not hold the door for anyone without a visible VUMC ID badge. This is important because there is no visible way to tell if someone has authorization to enter a specific building.
  • Call 911 if you believe your safety is in immediate danger.
  • Call VUPD at (615) 421-1911 to report a suspicious person.