December 16, 2022

Office of Diversity and Inclusion offers message about the gift of rest

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion takes a holistic approach to its programming. That’s why instead of the Chat Room gathering in December, the team relinquishes that meeting hour so that the VUMC Community can focus on – the gift of rest.

December is one of the busiest months of the year. This time can be quite hectic and full of never-ending to-dos. From end of the year projects and reports, final submissions, and preparations for upcoming transitions to the pressures of cleaning, cooking, and decorating your home, there is always something demanding your attention. Not to mention the imposed school fashion week prior to your student’s much awaited winter break, travel plans, visiting relatives, birthdays, holiday parties, concerts, plays, and other celebrations.

We get it…work is not your only job.

But then there are the things we dread that catches us off guard: grief, sadness, sickness, absences, unexpected crisis, reminders of loss, an unwanted new normal, and just plain disappointments that make this time especially challenging.  Whichever situation you find yourself in, please know that you are not alone and that those ups and downs are a normal part of our human experience.

Our hope for you as year’s end:

  • Pause and find moments to rest. For some this will mean going to bed early and getting a full night of sleep, while for others it may mean connecting to your community of family, friends, and wellness supporters.
  • Step away from your devices and be present with yourself and those around you. Do not underestimate the power of a nap, eating a good meal, or getting some fresh air. Use the power of your words to speak in life-giving ways over yourself and others.
  • Be okay with everything not being perfect. Give up some control and let others take the lead.
  • Make time to nap and do nothing. Sit and recharge.
  • Check out this PDF on the Office of Diversity and Inclusion web site. It’s inclusive of seven types of rest both described and prescribed by @RealTalk.Therapist.
  • The PDF also includes affirmations. Speak them over yourself and share with others as you focus on finding the time to REST.

The CHAT Room Series will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 18, with two options to participate: 7 a.m. and noon.