March 27, 2023

What is MyWorkday?

The MyWorkday project at VUMC involves the implementation of two new cloud-based systems, Workday and Tecsys. Taken together, this extensive transition of dozens of outdated VUMC systems allows VUMC to modernize and simplify its business tools. Large departments such as Finance, Supply Chain, Human Resources, and Research and Grants have software systems that need updating.

MyWorkday will transform VUMC’s business systems, bringing several benefits:

  • Modernizing and simplifying VUMC’s technology architecture by moving us away from a patchwork of outdated systems to truly integrated cloud-based solution
  • Giving VUMC more visibility into business data and making it easier to gain insights from that data
  • Supporting VUMC’s continued growth with best-in-class technology
  • Providing a streamlined, consistent, and modern user experience for a wide variety of business needs, including human resources, supply chain, finance and accounting, and research and grants

MyWorkday will go live this weekend on April 1, 2023. A large Command Center structure is in place to help guide the implementation.

To learn more, visit the MyWorkday website: