August 16, 2023

Dense urban terrain exercise

The U.S. Army performed a planned training at Vanderbilt and throughout Davidson County this week to exercise their emergency response procedures.

(photo by Erin O. Smith)

The U.S. Army North Division trained throughout Davidson County this week to exercise their emergency response procedures.

Part of the training used Vanderbilt University Hospital’s (VUH) helipad to conduct touch-and-go landings with Blackhawk helicopters as well as military ambulances transporting simulated patients to the Adult Emergency Department.

The drills focused on incident preparedness in the event of a large scale-disaster. No actual patients were involved in the training, which had no impact on operations at VUH.

Scroll down to see more photos.

(photo by Susan Urmy)
(photo by Susan Urmy)
(photo by Erin O. Smith)


(photo by Susan Urmy)
(photo by Erin O. Smith)