August 25, 2023

VUMC in the news, Aug. 29, 2023

William Schaffner, MD, professor of Preventive Medicine, continues to be one of the most in-demand sources about infectious disease in the news. Among the news outlets he has spoken to recently: ABC News, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo!, Infectious Disease News, USA Today, NBC’s  Today, Prevention and Good Housekeeping.

CNN reporter Brenda Goodman interviewed Buddy Creech, MD, director, Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program, for a story about where we are now with the three big respiratory viruses this winter COVID, Flu and RSV.

Stacey Dusetzina, PhD, professor of Health Policy, was quoted by USA Today in a story about Blue Shield of California opting for Amazon and Mark Cuban’s drug company, and also in a MarketWatch piece about Medicare drug price negotiations.

Undark Magazine reporter Melba Newsome interviewed Melinda Aldrich, PhD, associate professor of Medicine in the Division of Genetic Medicine, and Kim Sandler, MD, co-director of the Vanderbilt Lung Screening Program, for a feature story about racial disparities in lung cancer screening, detection and treatment. Undark is a non-profit magazine funded through the journalism program at MIT; its focus is on science and society.

The second episode of the Medscape series on young-onset type 2 diabetes featuring Kevin Niswender, MD, PhD, associate professor of Medicine, Division. Diabetes,  Endocrinology, and Metabolism, and Mona Mashayekhi, MD, PhD, Instructor in Medicine. Division. Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism is now online.

Saralyn Williams, MD, professor of Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, was quoted in a Slate story about snakebites and how to react if you’re bitten.

Joy Derwenskus, DO, associate professor of Clinical Neurology, was quoted by Self in a story about the differences in migraines and other types of headache.

Paras Karmacharya, MD, instructor in Medicine, was quoted by Medpage Today in a story about the assessment of psoriatic arthritis disease activity.