October 27, 2023

One Hundred Oaks clinical expansion phase two kicks off; Entrance E now closed

The One Hundred Oaks clinical expansion that will add 61,000-square-feet of clinical space is advancing toward its summer 2024 completion. The next phase kicks off this week and includes Entrance E closing to all foot traffic until early spring.

The repurposed area on the third floor will be the new home for a Pediatric Primary Care Clinic and a second location for the high-demand Otolaryngology Clinic.

The renovation was designed to keep patient and visitor accessibility as convenient as possible. During this next phase, look for additional these changes:

Work started on the North side of the building near Entrance E (the Guitar Center side) in July. The renovation will also include vertically extending the elevators and stairs at Entrance E to conveniently reach the new clinical area.