August 6, 2024

From Work/Life Connections-EAP: Get moving and help reduce depression

Studies show that physical activity has a positive effect on your mental health. Exercising can take your mind off stressors, increase endorphins, and boost self-confidence.

How often have you heard someone say, “I always feel better after I work out?”

Turns out, there’s science behind it. Studies show that physical activity has a positive effect on your mental health. Exercising can take your mind off stressors, increase endorphins, and boost self-confidence. Studies have even found comparable results between antidepressant use and running therapy to improve moderate depression.

Here are 3 tips to help you get moving to combat stress:

  1. Choose activities that you enjoy. Physical activity should be fun, whether it’s going for a jog, taking a swim, playing pickleball or anything else that adds movement in your life.
  2. Set reasonable goals. You don’t have to run a 10k right away. Start small and work your way up. Prepare for setbacks along the way. Life happens, and that’s okay. If you need to skip a day, commit to the next one.
  3. Find what makes you successful. Do you exercise better at the gym? At home? Alone? With friends? It helps to know what will help you stay on track.

Sometimes, we need getting started in the right direction. VUMC faculty, staff, and spouses have two great resources to assist their journey:

  1. Health Plus provides personal Lifestyle Coaching as a benefit for VUMC faculty/staff and spouses. Lifestyle coaching can help you find the motivation and tools to reach your health goals.
  2. Work/Life Connections-EAP provides counseling to support your mental health needs. VUMC faculty, staff members, and spouses can start their healing journey with a counselor by calling (615) 936-1327 to set up a free, confidential appointment.

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