August 15, 2024

DAISY Award spotlight: “When I think back on how scary that evening was, I always think about how grateful I am that Lauren was our nurse”

Lauren Guthrie, RN 2 CC, works on the Labor and Delivery unit at Vanderbilt University Hospital. She is one of the latest DAISY Award winners at VUMC.

Lauren Guthrie, RN 2 CC. (photo by Donn Jones)

Lauren Guthrie, RN 2 CC, works on the Labor and Delivery unit at Vanderbilt University Hospital. She is one of the latest DAISY Award winners at VUMC.

From the nomination

“I can’t express how impactful Lauren was during our birth experience. When I think back on how scary that evening was, I always think about how grateful I am that Lauren was our nurse and such a comfort and bright light during a traumatic experience. I don’t think we could have done it without her. When we first were admitted to the hospital and our room, Lauren immediately made us feel safe, at ease, and well-informed. She walked us through aspects of the unit and specifically highlighted what they do in an emergency situation (although she said, ‘we always hope it never comes to that’).

“Unfortunately, just a few hours into our induction, our emergency situation occurred. Through all the chaos of having an OBET [obstetrical emergency team] called, Lauren was by my side, talking me through it, and a source of comfort. I found myself looking to her (among the 10-15 other people that rushed into the room) for clarification, and I knew that I could trust her wholeheartedly. Once the baby and I had stabilized, we were flooded with information and potential scenarios. Lauren took the time to walk us through each one, and when we weren’t ready to commit to an epidural, she strongly advocated for us and helped us develop a plan for when we would re-discuss the need for one. Throughout the night, she kept in constant communication with me, providing updates on our little boy’s heart rate, and ensuring that I had all the information to make educated decisions about next steps.

“Because of this, when our second emergency of the night occurred and another OBET was called, I knew exactly what to expect and was prepared for the upcoming emergency C-section. And once again, Lauren was by my side the entire time. Her presence in the OR was my main source of comfort until my husband could join us. She physically (and emotionally) held me up while I received my spinal, walked me through each step, encouraged me, and even made me laugh a couple times.

“Through the unexpected means of delivering our baby boy, Lauren stands out as one of the sweetest and brightest aspects of the night. As a fellow nurse that works in critical care, I couldn’t imagine having a better RN to take care of me and my family. I understand first-hand the challenges of managing a critical situation with grace, composure, and urgency – Lauren demonstrated all of this and more. She is highly deserving of a DAISY Award, and I am so grateful for her and her phenomenal care.”

About DAISY Awards

The DAISY Award is a recognition for extraordinary nurses who exemplify compassion toward patients and families.

VUMC distributes the award in partnership with The DAISY Foundation, which was formed in 1999 to honor the memory of J. Patrick Barnes, a 33-year-old man who died of complications of the autoimmune disease Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). Barnes’ family was moved by the care they received from his nurses and wanted to recognize them to preserve his memory. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System.

VUMC nurse committees determine the individual recipients. Previous recipients of the DAISY Award are here. The award is open to all licensed nurses, and anyone can nominate — including co-workers, patients and their families. Nominations may be made here.