Accessing various department’s shared drives will soon be relocated new shared drive path. In most cases, the migration will reallocate all the files to the new location and employees will only need to reboot their computers to access the updated drive and its documents.
However, in some cases, the change will need to be made manually. If an employee experiences issues or needs step-by-step instructions on how to map to a new drive, click here for guidance.
The initiative will:
- Support the ongoing separation from Vanderbilt University.
- Transfer departmental folders, documents, and other content to a new VUMC owned location.
What to expect:
- File sharing content will be migrated in small batches of departments through July, 2026.
- Affected departments will receive more detailed information and instructions via email from the VUMC IT Media and Communications team.
You can learn more about this initiative at the Department Share Migration website. If employees experience issues after the migration, please call the Help Desk at 615-343-HELP (3-4357) for further support or click here for troubleshooting advice. For additional questions or concerns, reach out to the Department Share Migration project team at