As the countdown to the Magnet Recognition site visit approaches, the Reporter's Kathy Rivers is asking Vanderbilt University Medical Center nurses to answer key questions in their own words.
Question: How does VUMC nursing show its commitment to quality?
Answer: Vanderbilt is constantly changing to improve the quality of care we give our patients. One landmark example is Star Panel. I remember the days of paper charts piled on our desks.
When Star Panel was first introduced, it was a little intimidating.
Now I ask our nurses about electronic charting, and they say it is hard to imagine life prior to Star Panel.
The system makes it so easy, helps us collect data and follow our patients through multiple disciplines.
I remember a few years ago when there was a drug recall on a popular medication. I just plugged in the medication name into my doctors panel and was able to find every patient that had that medicine in their charts. This made a world of difference when informing patients in a timely manor.
Star Panel has been a great asset in our Medical Center's commitment to improve quality of care for our patients.
— Yvette Lowery, R.N., works at the VMG Green Hills Clinic