Today’s Cat of the Day is Dante, submitted by Dan Barry of Gastroenterology. “He’s missing one tooth and half a tail and loves laps, laser pointers and listening to traffic.”

Today’s Dog of the Day is Henry, submitted by Sydney Born of the Pediatric Emergency Department. “Henry is a 2-year-old, golden retriever/sharpei mix. He was adopted from the side of the road while I was in nursing school. He likes to hide under our cars to prevent us from leaving him so we cant go to work without him.”
Pets of the Day — what you need to know
The Vanderbilt University Medical Center Pets of the Day are included in regular editions of the MyVUMC News newsletter, which is posted twice a week by VUMC News and Communications.
The pets are selected from the hundreds of entries sent to the VUMC Voice Pet Photo Contest.
For those who submitted a photo to that contest, watch MyVUMC News for Pets of the Day, and in addition, regular collections of pet photos are posted to the VUMC Voice site. You can see them all here:
If you have a pet you would like to nominate for Pet of the Day, the next Pet Photo Contest submission period is coming up later this year, and will be announced in MyVUMC News.
Dante and Henry were featured in the March 6, 2025, edition of MyVUMC News.