Bill Snyder

The team studying how to control sepsis in the lungs and kidneys includes, from left, Huan Qiao, MD, PhD Jacek Hawiger, MD, PhD, Jozef Zienkiewicz, PhD, and Yan Liu, MD, MS. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Study reveals genomic code for sepsis in the lungs and kidneys

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Nashville Veterans Affairs Medical Center have “cracked” the genomic code for sepsis in the lungs and kidneys.

Simple Beginnings ceremony is Sept.1; donations accepted for white coats for students

Artificial intelligence innovator John Jumper to deliver Aug. 30 Apex Lecture

John Jumper, who led the development of AlphaFold, an artificial intelligence system that can predict the three-dimensional structure of proteins, will give the next Apex Lecture on Wednesday, Aug. 30.

VUMC receives $51 million in NIH grants to improve efficiency of conducting clinical trials across the US

Vanderbilt researchers have been awarded two five-year federal grants totaling $51 million to harness new and existing approaches for boosting recruitment and removing roadblocks to the efficiency of conducting clinical trials throughout the country.

VUMC receives $28 million to lead national study of COVID-diabetes link

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have received a four-year, $28 million grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to study the relationship between COVID-19 and diabetes.

The urgency of research

Griffin Rodgers, MD, director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health, described the urgency of the nation’s diabetes epidemic July 26 during a symposium of the NIDDK Medical Student Research Program in Diabetes and Obesity hosted by Vanderbilt University.

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