Craig Boerner

VUMC seeks public input on blood-clotting agent study

Researchers at Vanderbilt are considering participation in an international study to examine if a blood-clotting medication given to adults with major bleeding or in need of urgent surgery or an invasive procedure can improve survival.

ICU antibiotics may be safe for kidneys

A Vanderbilt study found that two antibiotics thought to cause kidney failure in ICU patients with a severe bacterial infection, especially when combined with another antibiotic, may be safer for the kidneys than previously reported.

Kidney disease gene also has a protective mutation

African Americans have long been known to be at increased risk of kidney disease due to a dangerous genetic mutation that creates a hole in the kidney cells, but Vanderbilt researchers have now discovered a protective genetic mutation that covers the hole to eliminate the risk.

Effective medications for opioid use disorder rarely used

Vanderbilt research shows that most individuals diagnosed with opioid use disorder are not on recommended medications and even fewer remain in care.

World-first clinical trial to help millions with penicillin allergies

Many low-risk patients with a penicillin allergy were able to have their penicillin allergy label removed through a simple procedure known as “direct oral challenge” as part of a world-first multicenter randomized control trial known as the Penicillin Allergy Clinical Decision Rule (PALACE) study.

Musical rhythms shown to improve language processing in children with Developmental Language Disorder

Musical rhythms can help children with speech and language processing difficulties in finding their voice by improving their capacity to repeat sentences they just heard, according to a study led by a Western Sydney University researcher and co-authored by Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

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