Danny Bonvissuto

Dean Driver at his home in Gallatin, Tennessee. (photo by Susan Urmy)

The man who gave Angel 1 its wings

“How much closer to an angel can you get than a little bitty baby struggling for life?” said Dean Driver, 91, who converted a panel truck into VUMC’s first neonatal transport in his driveway.

Two years after being hit by a car crossing James Robertson Parkway, Betsy Williams climbs the Capitol steps to thank everyone at VUMC who helped save her life

“The list of miracles is long,” she says.


Vanderbilt scientists discover shared genetic foundations between musical rhythm and human language

The study revealed overlapping genetic underpinnings between rhythm-related skills and language-related traits, including dyslexia.

Jennifer Herington, PhD, and Todd Giorgio, PhD, during their in-person visit to ARPA-H in July.

VUMC receives $3.3 million ARPA-H award to develop at-home therapy for preterm labor

This project will be the first to apply drug conjugates in the field of obstetrics.

Her clothing and workspace may be sterile, but Nancy Moyers’ positive attitude is contagious

“The work that Nancy does every day is tedious and challenging,” wrote one nominator. “But every moment she spends preparing sterile products and performing other critical tasks for our pediatric patients, Nancy has a joy on her face that can’t be missed.”

VKC TRIAD celebrates 25 years of autism research, assessment, treatment and support with a special virtual event on Tuesday, Oct. 29

The special virtual event from 6 to 7:30 p.m. will feature TRIAD leaders past and present.

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