John Howser

Physical security system to be implemented at Light Hall’s North Lobby Plaza entrance beginning Dec. 30

The Light Hall, North Lobby Plaza (east) entrance will be the facility’s only entrance.

Physical security systems to be implemented at additional VUMC facility entrances beginning Dec. 18

Physical security systems to be implemented at The Vanderbilt Clinic and Preston Research Building main entrances

As with all secure entrances at VUMC, employees will continue to be required to display their VUMC ID badges to enter.

C. Wright Pinson to step down as Deputy CEO and Chief Health System Officer

After 35 years of tireless service to the people and patients of Vanderbilt University Medical Center, C. Wright Pinson, MBA, MD, Deputy CEO and Chief Health System Officer, will step down from that role.

Katrina Brown receives 2024 Magnet Nurse of the Year Award

She has dedicated her career to transforming care for victims of sexual assault and intimate partner violence.

Medical Center North main entrance to change Oct. 10

The MCN lobby entrance, adjacent to the Commodore Cup coffee shop, will become the building’s permanent entrance for all employees and visitors and will be open 24/7. To increase security throughout MCN, all other entrances to the building will be closed.

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