Nancy Humphrey

After two surgeries to remove tumors from her spine, patient Reagan Brown can walk freely again and has no limitations.

Spinal surgeries help restore young patient’s mobility

Study to explore nasal bacteria of children born by C-section

Vanderbilt is recruiting pregnant women scheduled to undergo a repeat cesarean section at VUMC for a study of potential interventions to change the bacteria living in the nose of children born by C-section.

Lori Ann Kehler, OD, gives a low vision exam to patient Mary Elizabeth Parker at the Vanderbilt Eye Institute.

Low vision initiative for children lands new funding

Vanderbilt’s Project PAVE has received funding from the Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to continue the program that has provided low-vision evaluations for more than 2,150 school-age children in Tennessee since 1993.

Michael Dewan, MD, MSCI

Study to explore why some gliomas spread like cancerous tumors

Vanderbilt’s Michael Dewan, MD, MSCI, has received a grant from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation to study why some low-grade gliomas, a type of non-cancerous brain or spine tumor, spread and behave like cancerous tumors.

New chairs named to lead VUMC advisory boards

Liz Potocsnak and Larisa Featherstone have been named to positions on Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s advisory boards.

Vanderbilt study finds that the most common oxygen saturation targets for hospitalized patients appear equally safe and effective

A Vanderbilt study looked at the oxygen saturation target that results in optimal outcomes — number of days alive and free of mechanical ventilation — in 2,500 critically ill adults receiving mechanical ventilation.

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