Nancy Humphrey

Convalescent plasma doesn’t help severely ill COVID patients: study

A Vanderbilt clinical trial shows that convalescent plasma, widely given to severely ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19 during the pandemic, does not improve their ability to survive or recover

Study seeks to disprove cephalosporin allergies

A Vanderbilt study shows that taking a careful history in patients who report allergies to cephalosporins and separating them into risk categories can help identify which patients are at low risk to be truly allergic to these antibiotics.

Kristen Kerkhove aims to ease the transition home for palliative care patients

“My goal is to make sure our patients have everything they need when they leave the hospital so they can spend their time focusing on what’s important to them.”

doctor checking patient's blood pressure

Study finds administering IV fluids during emergency tracheal intubation does not lower cardiac arrest risk

Rapidly administering IV fluids to critically ill adults undergoing emergency tracheal intubation does not significantly decrease chances of hypotension (low blood pressure) and cardiac arrest, a Vanderbilt University Medical Center-led study shows.

Kathleen Gallagher is a surgical resident and former combat medic. She traveled to Ukraine to help train emergency response teams.

“With my background in combat medicine, it felt like there was something I could actually do to help.”

Food allergy linked to lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection

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