Vanderbilt researchers are studying how mutations in the receptor for light, rhodopsin, cause light blindness.
Overall greenhouse gas emissions from the campus and medical center have decreased from 2005 to 2012, even though Vanderbilt has seen significant growth in square footage, staff, students and research dollars.
A novel autism intervention program using theatre to teach reciprocal communication skills is improving social deficits in adolescents with the disorder that now affects an estimated one in 88 children, Vanderbilt University researchers released today in the journal Autism Research.
More than 6,700 users have set up travel profiles. More than 4,125 trips have been booked, and travelers have received more than $2.6 million in reimbursements, 80 percent within three to five days of their report being approved.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center has joined a national network funded by the National Institutes of Health to streamline multi-site clinical trials focused on key interventions in stroke prevention, treatment and recovery.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s plan for an automated system that would include a daily charge for patient and visitor parking on the Medical Center’s 21st Avenue campus, in the Central, East and South Garages, remains under consideration but the launch date for the new system is being postponed.
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