Jessica Pasley

As temperatures go down, the chance for injury from heaters goes up

The challenge of keeping warm might lead to the use of unsafe heating sources

Children’s Hospital urges caution in toy selection this holiday season

Toy shopping online presents special challenges; how to select safe gifts for children

Shawn Drumgoole and scores of friends celebrate his birthday with a walk to Children’s Hospital

The man behind the social media sensation “We Walk with Shawn” says Vanderbilt saved his life 30 years ago

Hot car injury prevention tips as routines change due to COVID-19

A change in routine can lead to a lapse in thought — and it can happen to anyone

Safe masking tips during summer months

What you need to know about combining wearing a mask with summertime weather

Does my child have a food allergy?

Children’s Hospital expert offers COVID-19 “safe play” tips for parents

Are playdates OK? What are the risks to consider?

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