Wayne Wood

West Tennessee Healthcare, VUMC announce affiliation agreement

Leaders with West Tennessee Healthcare and Vanderbilt University Medical Center announced Jan. 15 an affiliation agreement that will expand the scope of health care services in West Tennessee Healthcare’s service area.

Late ED nurse’s book celebrates cultural diversity

It was, everyone agreed, a horrific end to a beautiful life.

Credit Union to debut renovated space Nov. 5

The Vanderbilt University Credit Union will move back to its redesigned and renovated offices at 107 Oxford House, opening for business on Monday, Nov. 5.

Open Enrollment allows employees to select benefits

Open Enrollment, the annual opportunity for Vanderbilt staff and faculty to elect the coverage that best suits their needs, will take place Oct. 17-31. As it was last year, this is an active enrollment, which means that all benefits-eligible employees need to make benefits elections.

Children’s Hospital nurse in Colorado theater when shooting begins, aids victims

Mia Bransford, R.N., EMT, a nurse in the Pediatric Emergency Department at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, was attending a family reunion and was at the Century 16 theater in Aurora, Colo., last Friday just after midnight to enjoy the new Batman movie.

HR Express to open Medical Center North location

In an effort to offer more convenience to its Medical Center employees, Vanderbilt Human Resources will establish an HR Express in the location formerly held by the Vanderbilt Valet program in Medical Center North.

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