Aliquots - Research Briefs

Who’s who in the respiratory landscape

A metatranscriptomics method developed by Vanderbilt researchers simultaneously characterizes viruses, microbiome and host response in nasal swabs, opening opportunities to explore molecular interactions directly in clinical samples.

The power of white matter

Using a novel analysis of fMRI data, Vanderbilt researchers discovered intriguing patterns of signals in the brain’s white matter, the “conduit” for relaying signals between different brain regions.

Insulin in vials

New way to bEET insulin resistance

Signaling molecules called EETs could improve insulin resistance, a primary risk factor for Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Shifts in neuroendocrine cancer clinical trial design

Clinical trials that focus on specific types of neuroendocrine neoplasms — heterogeneous tumors that can occur anywhere in the body — will be more likely to enhance drug development for these tumors, Vanderbilt physicians assert.

Breast cancer survivors: eat nuts

Breast cancer survivors who reported eating nuts regularly had 50% reduced risk of breast cancer recurrence, metastasis or mortality, Vanderbilt epidemiologists found in Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study.

Pancreatic beta-cell booster

Blocking inflammatory signaling improves beta-cell characteristics in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes and may provide added benefits to GLP-1R diabetes medications.

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