Aliquots - Research Briefs

doctor checking patient's blood pressure

Mitochondrial stress and hypertension

Oxidative stress and toxic products called isolevuglandins in mitochondria play a role in endothelial dysfunction and hypertension — and getting rid of them with a special “scavenger” molecule has therapeutic potential.

Microbial RNA and rheumatoid arthritis

Small RNAs — short stretches of genetic material — from microbes may be playing a role in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Vitamin D activation and cancer risk

Vitamin D protection against colon cancer varies according to parathyroid hormone response, particularly among women.

Building a cohort, the easy way

An automated system using keyword searches can help identify candidates for clinical trials on adverse drug reactions.

A deeper look at out-of-home care

Geographically targeted efforts to prevent children being placed in out-of-home care might be possible, Vanderbilt researchers report.

Polymer protection for heart muscle

Vanderbilt researchers demonstrate that the polymer P188 has promise as a therapy to prevent reperfusion injury — the cellular damage that occurs when blood flow returns after an ischemic event like a heart attack.

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