Aliquots - Research Briefs

Protein interactions and brain function

Roger Colbran and colleagues have discovered new molecular details about the function of an enzyme with a key role in shaping learning and memory.

Transporter mutation alters cell energy

A disease-associated mutation in a transporter protein causes cells to increase energy production, as if they are starving, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

A key to calcium signaling

Erkan Karakas and colleagues used cryo-electron microscopy to determine structural details of a calcium channel protein that has numerous cell signaling roles.

Imaging breast cancer cell size

A noninvasive MRI approach assesses breast tumor cell size and could be a useful way to evaluate early response to neoadjuvant therapy.

Powering H. pylori pathogenesis

Timothy Cover and colleagues report new insights into the sources of energy used by a bacterial “machine” linked to the pathogenesis of stomach cancer.

New tool probes gene regulation

Vanderbilt biochemists got unexpected results when they used their new approach to explore the role of DNA methylation in gene regulation.

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