Aliquots - Research Briefs

Evolution of cell’s power plant genome

Vanderbilt researchers provide new information about how the genome inside our cellular “power plants” – the mitochondria – has evolved.

Stents relieve post-infection problem

Placing stents in blood vessels can provide long-term relief from rare complications of a fungal lung infection.

Mouse study offers clues for childhood obesity

An obesity-associated genetic variation makes fatty food more rewarding yet less satisfying, new research in mice suggests.

Heart illustration thumbnail

Gene ups risk for needing pacemaker

Researchers have identified a gene that increases the risk for developing sick sinus syndrome – the most common cause for implanting a cardiac pacemaker.

Protein combos keep cells straight

Researchers define the protein interactions that establish our organs’ lining.

Spying on shape-shifting enzyme

New molecular views of an enzyme may inform therapies for neurological, psychiatric or cardiac diseases.

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