MyVUMC is Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s twice-weekly newsletter for all employees. Each issue has links to news, features and information to connect and empower employees.

Teams chats to be deleted after 60 days

This change will help bring Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s data retention efforts in line with best practices of other organizations.

Employee well-being is front and center with newest Making Health Care Personal installment, “The Power of Trust and Respect”

In “Making Health Care Personal: The Power of Trust and Respect,” the fourth installment in the Making Health Care Personal initiative, employees can learn more about why these skills are so important to the success of Vanderbilt Health.

Three things you need to know about Flulapalooza

Flu season is almost here, and the Occupational Health team wants to ensure that VUMC faculty and staff are safe and healthy all season long.

puzzle piece

Autistic, non-autistic children 7-17 years old needed for research on sensory processing in autism

Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Research Center Pilot and Feasibility Project Program accepting proposals; deadline is Dec. 19

Releasing the Features: Workday upgrade coming Sept. 21

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