Education Technologies

New director sees Innovation Center as both startup and catalyst for campus and city

A startup veteran and investor whose ventures range from retail to manufacturing joined Vanderbilt University this spring as the inaugural executive director of the newly created Innovation Center. Robert Grajewski joined Vanderbilt as the Evans Family Executive Director of the Innovation Center on April 1. The Innovation Center, set to open late summer, will support a maker culture that encourages innovation and creativity and bolsters implementation of the four intersecting themes that make up the university’s Academic Strategic Plan.

african american boy in computer class

Mellon Foundation awards $1.5 million to Vanderbilt for new Center for Digital Humanities

Vanderbilt University has received a $1.5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to establish a new Center for Digital Humanities. The trans-institutional initiative will further Vanderbilt’s commitment to becoming a national hub of innovative digital humanities scholarship.

Successful entrepreneur and innovator chosen to lead new Innovation Center

Startup veteran Robert Grajewski has been chosen as the inaugural executive director of the newly created Vanderbilt University Innovation Center.

Personalized medicine is topic of new Vanderbilt massive open online course

Enrollment has opened for Case Studies in Personalized Medicine, Vanderbilt’s latest free massive open online course, or MOOC. The six-week course starts Jan. 15.

Working group-designed model for pre-award grant contract support and director search launched

A university working group has established the model for a new office that will provide pre-award support for university faculty grant and contract proposals to external funding agencies following the VU-VUMC reorganization. A search for the new office’s director also has been launched.

Vanderbilt community invited to Strategic Plan town halls April 6, 7 and 16

Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in town hall meetings to learn more about progress and provide input on key initiatives of the Academic Strategic Plan.