Health and Medicine

Discovery may pave way for RSV vaccine

Vanderbilt University scientists have contributed to a major finding, reported this week in the journal Nature, which could lead to the first effective vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a significant cause of infant mortality.

new patient form

Study examines routine screening for health literacy

Research conducted at Vanderbilt University Medical Center shows that routine administration of the Brief Health Literacy Screen (BHLS) by nurses provides a valid measure for large-scale studies of the influence of health literacy on clinical outcomes.

Study tracks pet therapy’s impact on young patients

A Vanderbilt study is investigating whether therapy dogs can have a positive effect on children undergoing chemotherapy.

Overuse injuries among young athletes examined

With concerns mounting as children train harder, compete more frequently and specialize in a single sport earlier, the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine has released a position statement that provides guidance to health providers who care for young athletes.

Is healthy obesity possible?

It might be possible to generate a “metabolically healthy” state of obesity by targeting signaling pathways that improve insulin sensitivity.

Math models to aid voice disorders

A new computational model of the interactions between vocal folds and the air around them could aid in designing new treatments for voice disorders.

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