Health and Medicine

Clue to recurrent C. diff infection

Children who experience recurrent C. diff infections may have fecal inflammatory markers that could predict risk and improve management of these infections.

Regulating anxiety in the brain

Two brain signaling pathways have overlapping functions in regulating anxiety, suggesting that therapeutics aimed at one or the other will impact both.

Polarity protein role in cell survival

Vanderbilt investigators have identified an unexpected link between cell survival and the polarized delivery of proteins to the surface of mammary epithelial cells.

elderly Asian mother and adult daughter

Protein structure may aid in treating Alzheimer’s disease

A new protein structure may guide the development of Alzheimer’s therapeutics.

HIV-infected people have higher risk of heart failure

The first large study to report that HIV-infected people have a significantly higher risk of heart failure in the antiretroviral therapy era has been published in JAMA Cardiology.

chess player knocking over opponents king

Predicting the infection response

Vanderbilt investigators are probing the response to a bacterial toxin as a clinical assessment of immune function.

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