Trans-institutional Programs

Smiling lesbian couple with baby lying on hardwood floor. Homosexual partners with toddler in living room. Happy family of three at home.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funds study of health, economic effects of LGBT-related laws

A trans-institutional team of Vanderbilt social scientists and medical professionals will look at how laws affecting LGBT individuals and families affect their health and the economy.

glowing brain cell

Bioluminescent sensor causes brain cells to glow in the dark

A team of Vanderbilt scientists have genetically modified luciferase, the enzyme that produces bioluminescence, so that it acts as an optical sensor that records activity in brain cells.

Basic science, extraordinary impact

The discoveries that can change the course of human health forever often begin in the tiniest places: in molecules and cells, at the most fundamental intersection of physics, chemistry and biology. Understanding how these cellular and molecular processes work is the focus of basic biomedical research at Vanderbilt.

Grissom manipulating ultrasound machine

Open-source instructions for focused ultrasound provide cancer research boost

Vanderbilt University’s William Grissom and Charles Caskey are throwing open doors with a do-it-yourself, open-source software and hardware guide to enabling existing imaging machines with focused ultrasound technology.


Blake, Winder to lead national search committee for Vanderbilt Brain Institute director

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan R. Wente has appointed an 18-member committee of faculty and students to conduct the national search for the Barlow Family Director of the Vanderbilt Brain Institute chaired by Randolph Blake, Centennial Professor of Psychology, and Danny Winder, director for the Vanderbilt Center for Addiction Research.

13 cross-college collaborative projects win TIPs funding

Thirteen interdisciplinary projects, ranging from cellular processes and smart cities to global health care issues, have been selected as the 2016 awardees of the Trans-Institutional Program (TIPs) initiative.

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