2011 Top Stories

Flulapalooza tent, attempt at Guinness Book of World Records. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend. by Susan Urmy

Vanderbilt doubles current world record for vaccinations

On Oct. 12, Vanderbilt University more than doubled the current world record for the total number of vaccinations given in an eight-hour period. From 6:50 a.m. until 2:50 p.m., 12,647 university and medical center faculty, staff and students received free influenza vaccinations at Flulapalooza, a mass vaccination drill and simultaneous attempt to break the current Guinness world record. By the time the event ended around 7 p.m., more than 14,000 total vaccinations had been dispensed.

Vanderbilt University honors top students during Commencement

Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos presented the Founder’s Medals to the top scholars from Vanderbilt University’s undergraduate and professional schools during Commencement on Friday, May 13.