
Gene network for leukemia factor

A new method speeds the analysis of factors that control gene expression from days to minutes, allowing researchers to uncover new targets for cancer treatment.

Rare tumor disguised as benign

A rare tumor that causes facial weakness was found masquerading as a more common benign facial tumor.

An interacting factor in leukemia

A blood stem cell protein plays a role in the initiation and progression of leukemia, Vanderbilt researchers have found.

brain and lightning

Inflammation in genetic epilepsy

Brain inflammation links genetic and acquired epilepsy — providing new clues about epilepsy development and pointing to potential treatments.

WIN for blocking cancer growth

William Tansey and colleagues identified proteins that interact with the cancer drug target WDR5 and are important for cancer cell growth.

doctor checking patient's blood pressure

Mitochondrial stress and hypertension

Oxidative stress and toxic products called isolevuglandins in mitochondria play a role in endothelial dysfunction and hypertension — and getting rid of them with a special “scavenger” molecule has therapeutic potential.

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