
Delirium in the ED

Interventions for delirium in the emergency department setting are needed to preserve patients’ long-term function and cognition, Vanderbilt investigators have found.

New target for colorectal cancer

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that activated epidermal growth factor receptor may be a target for therapies to prevent colorectal cancer development.

Esophageal cancer complexities

New findings that reveal complex interactions in esophageal adenocarcinoma could lead to diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic biomarkers.

middle aged african american man outdoors

Role for mouth microbes in diabetes?

A higher abundance of certain bacterial species in the mouth appears to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, Vanderbilt investigators have discovered.

Antidote for smoke inhalation injury

Routine use of hydroxocobalamin should be considered for victims of smoke inhalation, Vanderbilt researchers suggest.

electricity arcing in a heart shape between two exposed wires

Mutation raises heart block risk

A newly identified genetic risk factor for heart block after surgery may help guide the course of postoperative care.

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