Annals of Internal Medicine

Study finds genetic screening of adults would be cost-effective

A Vanderbilt analysis of population genetic testing concludes with a recommendation to U.S. health policymakers to adopt routine testing of adults ages 40 and under for three genetic conditions posing high risk of life-threatening illness.

Diabetes drugs associated with fewer adverse cardiac events in older veterans: study

Vanderbilt research finds that GLP1 receptor agonists — a class of diabetes medications — are associated with fewer major adverse cardiovascular events than another type of diabetes drug (DPP4 inhibitors) in older veterans with no prior heart disease.

Study shows genotype leads to discontinued, decreased medication

Pregnant woman holding pill pack

Opioid prescriptions after childbirth linked to increased risk of overdose, persistent use

Women who are prescribed opioids after childbirth have an increased risk of persistent opioid use or other serious opioid-related events, including overdose, in their first year postpartum, according to a new study by Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers. This is true regardless of whether the woman had a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section.

white pills spilling out of a prescription bottle

Opioid use increases risk of serious infections

Opioid users have a significantly increased risk of infections severe enough to require treatment at the hospital, such as pneumonia and meningitis, as compared to people who don’t use opioids.

In emergencies, insurance matters

Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act provides patients with a greater choice of hospital facilities, Vanderbilt researchers have found.