
PET imaging probe for Alzheimer’s disease

Vanderbilt researchers report on a new PET imaging probe that will be useful for exploring Alzheimer’s disease pathology.

Diet and colorectal cancer risk

Higher dietary intake of antioxidant compounds found in fruits, vegetables, teas and spices was associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer, and intake was lower among Black participants, potentially contributing to colorectal cancer health disparities.

Study explores protein’s role in inflammation-associated cancer

An antioxidant protein may protect against colon cancer that develops in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, suggesting new strategies for reducing colon cancer risk in these patients.

Antioxidants promising for rare disorder

The antioxidant vitamin E prevented the buildup of toxic products in a model of a rare genetic disorder, suggesting new strategies for therapeutic development.

Defusing ‘C. diff’ infection

This Valentine’s Day, love is good for the heart, says Vanderbilt cardiologist

Being involved in a healthy, loving relationship is good for the heart, says Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute cardiologist Julie Damp.