
Heart illustration thumbnail

Normalizing calcium flux to treat atrial fibrillation

A particular anti-arrhythmia drug provides a targeted treatment for certain forms of atrial fibrillation.

Reducing fatal rhythms after heart attack

Reducing heart muscle response to calcium could decrease the risk of fatal arrhythmias after heart attacks.

Heart illustration thumbnail

Rhythm response tied to gene variant

A genetic variant that increases risk for atrial fibrillation also impacts the response to a common therapy for the heart rhythm disorder.

Patient undergoes surgical first to treat his arrhythmia

The state of Michael Stanbery’s health was shocking.

Study tracks genes involved in heart rhythm disorders

A team led by Vanderbilt University investigators has discovered two new genes — both coding for the signaling protein calmodulin — associated with severe early-onset disorders of heart rhythm.

Green tea for failing hearts?

The main antioxidant compound in green tea increases contractile force in isolated heart cells, suggesting it may be useful in heart failure.

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