biological sciences

Amount of daylight may impact serotonin programming

The duration of exposure to daylight, or the “photoperiod,” may affect development of seasonal affective disorder by programming serotonin neurons in the brain, according to Vanderbilt University researchers.

periodic table

Research that ruled in 2016: Readers’ favorite stories

Artificial kidneys, gay-straight alliances and junkyard batteries captured readers’ attention in 2016.

Vanderbilt earns top rankings, including a No. 1, for successful minority recruitment in master’s and Ph.D. programs

“Diverse: Issues In Higher Education” has ranked Vanderbilt University No. 1 in the country for the number of doctoral degrees awarded to African Americans in the biological and biomedical sciences.

Electrical circuit with various components interfaced with a brain

Blood-brain barrier on a chip sheds new light on “silent killer”

A new microfluidic device containing human cells that faithfully mimics the behavior of the blood-brain barrier is providing new insights into brain inflammation, the silent killer.

glowing brain cell

Bioluminescent sensor causes brain cells to glow in the dark

A team of Vanderbilt scientists have genetically modified luciferase, the enzyme that produces bioluminescence, so that it acts as an optical sensor that records activity in brain cells.

molecules stuck together

‘Young Scientist’ showcases high schoolers’ research at Vanderbilt

High school students performing advanced research at Vanderbilt have the opportunity to share their findings with the scientific community through a journal of their own.

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