blood pressure

Study tracks skin salt’s role in blood pressure control

Clinical pharmacologist Jens Titze, M.D., and his colleagues have identified a new cast of cells and molecules that function in the skin to control sodium balance and blood pressure.

Simulated Mars mission reveals body’s sodium rhythms

Clinical pharmacologist Jens Titze, M.D., and colleagues have discovered that – in contrast to the prevailing dogma – human sodium levels fluctuate rhythmically with 7-day and monthly cycles.

report card

Mixed results define 2012 Tennessee Men’s Health Report Card

Heart disease is still the leading cause of death for men in Tennessee and cancer deaths continue to move further away from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy People 2020 goal, according to the 2012 Tennessee Men’s Health Report Card.

Better blood pressure-reducing drugs?

A newer version of an old class of blood pressure lowering drugs may offer advantages for obese patients with metabolic syndrome.

Vanderbilt: Laboratory for health care reform

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