breast cancer

African American woman in pink crossing her hands over her breast

Another way to detect lymphedema

Early detection of lymphedema, which occurs in 20% of patients following breast cancer treatment, may improve therapeutic options for patients.

Xiao-Ou Shu, MD, PhD, MPH, served as the study’s senior author.

Study finds men have higher mortality rate after breast cancer diagnosis

A new study shows men with breast cancer are more likely to die than their female counterparts, across all stages of disease.

Study examines pain processing in co-occurring cancer, Alzheimer’s disease

A new multisite study will examine whether co-occurring Alzheimer’s disease and stage 4 breast or prostate cancer alters pain perception, potentially leading to undertreated cancer pain.

DNA sequence

Study backs genetic testing for all metastatic breast cancer patients

A “rheostat” for cancer signals

Jason MacGurn and colleagues have characterized a “rheostat” that sets WNT pathway signaling in breast cancer cells.

Biomarkers of DNA methylation can be a predictor of breast cancer risk

Biomarkers of DNA methylation, which regulate gene expression, can be a predictor of breast cancer risk.

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