
The role of diet in esophageal cancer

New findings suggest that dietary calcium and magnesium affect the risk of esophageal cancer; if confirmed in interventional studies, they could inform dietary modifications to reduce the burden of this cancer.

A key to calcium signaling

Erkan Karakas and colleagues used cryo-electron microscopy to determine structural details of a calcium channel protein that has numerous cell signaling roles.

Calcium intake and colorectal cancer

Calcium intake appears to protect against colorectal cancer in individuals with certain gene variants, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Insulin in vials

CaMKII enhances insulin secretion

The protein CaMKII acts as a calcium sensor in a positive feedback pathway that enhances glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.

Heart illustration thumbnail

Normalizing calcium flux to treat atrial fibrillation

A particular anti-arrhythmia drug provides a targeted treatment for certain forms of atrial fibrillation.

Reducing fatal rhythms after heart attack

Reducing heart muscle response to calcium could decrease the risk of fatal arrhythmias after heart attacks.