cancer biology

Brain tumor TIP reveals new target

The protein TIP-1 appears to be a novel prognostic marker for glioblastoma and may be a good therapeutic target for disrupting tumor-driven blood vessel development.

Do-it-yourself repair in the kidney

The kidney can mediate its own repair through proliferation of resident immune system cells.

A drug combo for ovarian cancer

Combining another drug with platinum-based chemotherapies may be more effective against ovarian cancer.

Study tracks antioxidants’ role in prostate tumor growth

Antioxidants promote cell growth in a mouse model of prostate cancer, Vanderbilt researchers report in the journal PLoS ONE. The findings provide insight into the recent controversy regarding antioxidants and prostate cancer prevention.

Stomach bug alters tumor suppressor

The stomach bug Helicobacter pylori increases forms of a protein that promote tumor development, perhaps explaining how it elevates risk for gastric cancer.

Proteins help flip tumor’s invasive switch

Vanderbilt investigators have identified how two key components of cancer’s invasive “switch” — the series of signaling events that turn on a tumor cell’s invasive behavior — work together.

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