cancer disparities

Kidney disease gene also has a protective mutation

African Americans have long been known to be at increased risk of kidney disease due to a dangerous genetic mutation that creates a hole in the kidney cells, but Vanderbilt researchers have now discovered a protective genetic mutation that covers the hole to eliminate the risk.

Diet and colorectal cancer risk

Higher dietary intake of antioxidant compounds found in fruits, vegetables, teas and spices was associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer, and intake was lower among Black participants, potentially contributing to colorectal cancer health disparities.

Appendix cancer survival in young patients varies by race: study

The first study of appendiceal cancer patterns and survival by race/ethnicity among patients younger than 50 in the U.S. showed survival disparities.

Cancer disparities grant with Meharry, TSU gains renewal

A multi-year collaborative cancer research effort among Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), Meharry Medical College (MMC) and Tennessee State University (TSU) will receive continued federal funding through the renewal of U54 Partners in Eliminating Cancer Disparities Grants from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), a division of the National Institutes of Health.