Cancer Epidemiology Research Program

VIGH, VICC establish cancer research program in Zambia

Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the University of Zambia (UNZA) are partnering on a program to develop a cadre of researchers and educators to lead cancer epidemiology research and training in Zambia.

New markers of colorectal cancer risk

Vanderbilt epidemiologists identified new markers for colorectal cancer risk and characterized a previously unidentified tumor suppressor that regulates overall tumor volume in vivo.

Study finds breast cancer recurrence score has different implications for men

A study published last year offered good news for women with early-stage ER-positive breast cancer who scored at intermediate risk for recurrence. However, a new study finds this conclusion may not directly apply to male patients with the same type of breast cancer


High fiber, yogurt diet associated with lower lung cancer risk

A diet high in fiber and yogurt is associated with a reduced risk for lung cancer, according to a study by Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers.

Xiao-Ou Shu, MD, PhD, MPH, served as the study’s senior author.

Study finds men have higher mortality rate after breast cancer diagnosis

A new study shows men with breast cancer are more likely to die than their female counterparts, across all stages of disease.

Shu, Zheng receive Vietnam’s top honor for foreign scientists

The Vietnamese Ministry of Health has awarded two Vanderbilt epidemiologists the Memorabilia Medal “For the People’s Health” in appreciation for their contributions in helping the nation establish a population-based research program for cancer, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases.