Center for Human Genetics Research

Biomarker for diabetic eye disease

A person’s mitochondrial gene “signature” could predict risk for diabetic retinopathy and guide early intervention strategies.

Myelin junctions key to conduction

A protein in the myelin coating on nerves helps form a “seal” that enables effective nerve conduction; loss of the protein causes inherited neuropathies.

Imaging guides Alzheimer gene search

Using imaging data, Vanderbilt researchers discovered an association between a gene pair and brain changes in Alzheimer’s disease.

Heart illustration thumbnail

Keeping the beat after heart surgery

Variation in the gene for the beta-1 adrenergic receptor increases the risk that a patient will have an abnormal heart rhythm after cardiac surgery.

What makes us human?

Using computational tools to search for the genetic basis of what makes us human, Vanderbilt Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics Tony Capra and colleagues at the University of California-San Francisco have identified promising candidate regions.

Amish aid study of Parkinson genetics

Amish populations are valuable for genetic research because of their isolation, shared ancestry and homogeneous lifestyles.

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