Commencement 2020

Josh Thompson celebrates with his wife, Amy, and children Charlotte and Theodore.

Special ceremonies celebrate students who graduated last year

On Sunday, May 2, the Class of 2020 of Vanderbilt University Schools of Medicine and Nursing and the Graduate School held in-person commencement ceremonies for students earning degrees. While the classes participated in virtual ceremonies last year, many opted to return to campus to celebrate with friends, family and faculty.

Twelve honored as emeriti faculty

Recognition of graduating students takes new approach

On Friday, May 8, Vanderbilt University Schools of Medicine and Nursing and the Basic Sciences celebrated students earning degrees. They will have the opportunity to return to the Vanderbilt University campus in May 2021 for the University-wide official Commencement ceremony.

Pearson receives Shovel Award from VUSM students

Each year, the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine graduating fourth-year class honors one faculty member with the Shovel Award in recognition of the exceptionally meaningful impact he or she has had on their medical education.