Craig Duvall

Team to explore using nanoparticles to fight cancer

Three Vanderbilt researchers have received a federal grant to study the use of nanoparticles to deliver potential therapies for breast cancer that has spread to the bone.

New nanoparticle enhances success rate of coronary artery bypass grafts

A team of Vanderbilt University Medical Center surgeons and biomedical engineers has developed a nanoparticle delivery system that may significantly improve the success rate of coronary artery bypass grafts.

Micelle “packets” deliver cancer drugs

Vanderbilt researchers designed micelle “packets” to selectively deliver anti-cancer drugs to breast cancer cells.

Biodegradable scaffold may spur wound healing

Biomedical and chemical engineers at Vanderbilt University, working with a pathologist, have constructed a sponge-like, biodegradable tissue “scaffold” that releases an enzyme-blocking molecule to indirectly activate endogenous pathways and enhance tissue regeneration and wound healing.